July 14, 2006

The G-Men are makin' a Blog!!

Did efurrycat see this in owr comments?

The G-men (Gilmore & Grady) said...
we are berry excited to be getting a new fur-end in the nayborhood. I can't wait to meet Sully, I think he is my long lost brudder cuz we look just the same. Sully's new bean family is berry happy too!!

That's owr cousinz!!! They are Ant Ree bean's kitties! We've putted there pikchers heer befor, but just so you can see how much Sully looks like Grady, see if you can tell which is who. We hope they is going to have a real blog now 'cos they are fun guys. And hopefully they can help Sully wif a blog too.

And this is Grady's big brofur Gilmore. Doesn't he haf the most hansome poofy tale?

Oh, Buddy's still not speaking to mom. She has been spending a lot of time wif Sully, petting him and telling him about his new fambly and how good his life will be. I'm glad he's getting a good fambly, efurrycat deserves that.

Good luck Sully!!


The Crew said...

Your cousins are very handsome guys! And that's very good news that Sully has found a forever home.

Victor Tabbycat said...

I can tell which is Gilmore! That's a foofy tail aright. Ok, I fink the kitty lying down in Sully, but they could be the same cat! So, Hi cousins of Finny an Buddy. Buddy, plez fourgive yur Mom. She still lurves you as much as efur.

Anonymous said...

Very handsome family!

Zeus said...

I'm with Victor: Gilmore I can identify no sweat! And yes, his tail is so fluffy and poofy!

I am so happy for Sully! I cannot imagine how his heart must be beating with excitement! Congratulations, Sully! It sounds like you're off to purrrfect home.

PrincessMia said...

Good luck, Sully!

Finny, I think your beanmom might actually be a little sad that Sully is going away, so show her some extra loving.


Just Ducky said...

As a ginger kittie, Sully will do just fine in his new home. Good Luck Sully.

Hot(M)BC said...

Oh, I bets Sully is happy to be gettin his new beans and home. Now you can talk to your Mommy again, Buddy. Finny, yalls cousins are handsome kitties too. What a handsome fambly!

~~ Sanjee

Edsel/The Pooch said...

yea, new homes are good

The Meezers or Billy said...

YAY! Sully has a furrefurr home!!!

Shaggy and Scout said...

Hope Sully isn't confused going to another home after being at yours!