July 28, 2006

My turn! My turn!

And now at last, it is time for the story of Buddy Longwhiskers!

I was born in New Jersey, way in the south part near Pennsylvania. I lived with my momcat and my littermates, but one day, I was out advenchering and I got losted from them. Some bad teenager boy beans started being furry mean to me! They was kicking me and throwing lowd noisy firecracker things at me! Another teenager boy bean came along and he was furry brave. He tolld those boys to stop and he took me home wif him. His name was Brandon and he was my hero for saving me from those bad boys.

Brandon and I convinsed his mom bean that there howse needed an orinch kitten, even tho they had 2 other growed up cats and a big LIZARD! I followed Brandon arownd all the time, efurry day and they allways did say, "Heer comes Brandon's Buddy!" so that's how they knew my real name was Buddy!

Some troubles happend wif owr fambly and my Brandon boy had to leave me and go live wif his gramma bean and she woodn't let me come too cos she din't like cats. Then me and Brandon's mom bean went to live wif her mom bean and she let me come but she made me stay in only the one room. I was furry bord all the time - I din't have room to run arownd and play and I knockt some things down and soon the mom's mom bean din't want me there at all.

So my Brandon boy started to aks efurry one he knew if they wanted a nise cat. But no bean wanted me Finally, Brandon's frend Debra, that he only knew from the innernets, put a messij on the Feline Diabetes Message Board, aksing if ennybean wanted a nise cat. Guess wat? Somebean did! This lady bean rote to Debra and sed she was looking for a buddy for her cat. Know what his name was? Finny!! That's rite - it was my mom bean!

But my advenchering wasn't over becos, as you know, Finny and mom live in North Carolina. How do you get one orinch cat from South New Jersey alllll the way to North Carolina? It's a good thing mom knewabout the wonderful beans at IMOM.org who volunteer like efurry weekend to drive cats and dogs from shelters to there new homes.

So my first mom bean put me in my carrier, wrote "Buddy to NC" on it and packed up some foods, my speshul blanky and my favorite toys and drove me in her car to meet the first volunteer. All day I rode in cars wif diffrunt volunteers and they were all furry nise to me but all that driving in cars and being in the carrier allll day was awful.

Finally I met my speshul aunty Debra bean and she drove me to a plase ware we waited for a wile and then I met my new mom! Then we drove some more and finally we got home heer to my new howse. I stayd by myself in one bafroom for 3 weeks and mom visted me efurry day and brot me foods and soon I got to come out and meet Finny and eksplore all arownd the howse.

Now me and Finny are mostly frends and brofurs and we play a lot together. And I have lived here 3 yeers and at first I missed my Brandon boy so much that it was hard to love my new mom. But he loved me enuff to make sure that I wood have a good home and I know that he wants me to be happy for the rest of my life. And now I love my mom bean furry much and she is reelly good to me.

When mom broked her foot last yeer I took good care of her.


The Meezers or Billy said...

Oh Buddy, you've had a hectik life, but you finally finded your wonderful furefurr home. i'm sorry that you missed your Brandon boy so furry much, but he was a brave and wonderful boy to care so much for you!

PrincessMia said...

Aw, Buddy, that's a beautiful story. You are truly blessed to be with your forever beanmom. Brandon is definitely a hero in my book.

Edsel/The Pooch said...

wow, you had a very hard beginning. but you found your forever home and that's the best thing ever!

Anonymous said...

what a great story you has! that Brandon is like a hero/knight in shining armour kinda guy! an we're so glad you've got such a good home now. our Lady has read stuff on that IMOM website an it's full of great people like the ones who took such good care of you

Anonymous said...

Wow, Buddy, what a story. I'm so glad that you have such a wonderful home now!

Just Ducky said...

Oh Buddy, how special it is that you founded another home. Like me I am on my second home and lucky to have found a good furrever home. We ginger guys are special, so we need loving homes.

Lone Star Purrs said...

What a good story!! Your Brandon boy wuz furry brave!! We're glad that you're happy where you are now.

Victor Tabbycat said...

Wow, Buddy, that's an amazin story. Does you efur get to see Brandon again? I spose not if it's such a long way by car. I gots a question, Buddy... how's it that yur flyin in the window in a pictor? Is that reel?

jenianddean said...

That's a wonderful story. What an amazing adventure being transported with all those different volunteers. My Dad was born in North Carolina and lived on South Jersey so he understands what a crazy trip that was. I rode with him in a moving truck from Iowa to South Carolina and let me tell you that's not my idea of fun. Good thing you're in a good home now.

Hot(M)BC said...

Awwwwww what a wunnerful story! You was furry lucky to meet Brandon, Buddy. And furry lucky to get dopted by your Mommy. And get a nice brofur too! We's furry glad you settled down and gots a super furever home.

~~ Sanjee

The Crew said...

Buddy, your story is just great. And..you're a lucky guy to be rescued from those mean boys. We're so happy you found a good forever home!

Amy in NC said...

Great story Buddy! We are glad that you are in a great forever home. When are y'all moving to Durham?

Knightly, Lizzie & Firenze

Emma's Kat said...

Wow, Buddy! You had a ruff start, but now it sounds like you have the purrfect furrever home now! So happy for you! I think it was your brother Finnegan that came and visited Emma's site? Or was it both of you? Anyways, thanks!

Anonymous said...

You are such a good kitty BUddy! You deserve the BEST!

Zeus said...

What a great story! I had no idea you had traveled so far to be with Finny. As GK said, you do deserve the best! :)

Ivan from WMD said...

I think anything is possible when you combine moms and cats and love!