This is a frend of owr brofur who came befor, Jasper. His name is Jingles and he had diabetes just like Jasper. His mom bean is a furry good photographer and this is owr favrit picky of Jingles.
I haf tabby spots on my hed and a racoon-stripy tale like tabbies. Just like my frends Victor Tabbycat and Beau Beau, and Miss Parker!
But...I haf pale bloo eyes. Like my frends Miles and Sammy Meezer, Skeezix, and Baby Mao, and Maobert and lots of ofur meezers!
And my splotchies on my body are beige, not tabby stripes or spots. Oh, and mom sez I yowl and talk a lot, just like a Meezer too. Is this bad?
I don't kno wat to fink. Wat do you guys fink?