Hey efurrycat and efurrybean and efurry furry!!! The new We Are The Kitties book is reddy to be ordered! It will make a grate Chrissmuss purresent for yore favrit cat or cat-lover (and who doesn't love cats?)
The book is not furry ekspensive, you cood get two of them! And kno wat? The little bit of ekstra moneys (beans call it profit) will go to one of owr favrit places that helps cats (and woofies too) http://www.imom.org/.
IMOM is all abowt helping wif v.e.t. bills if yore bean can't afford to help you get better. They only pay moneys to the v.e.t., not to the beans, so you kno that no-bean can cheat and get moneys for themselfs.
Anovver fing that IMOM does is they haf lots and lots of volunteer beans who help drive cats and dogs to there new homes if they was stuck in a bad shelter or even a nise resskew plase. Some of those beans helped me (Buddy) get heer to Norf Carolina to live wif Finny and my furever mom wen my good Brandon boy coodn't keep me ennymore.

And GUESS WAT?? My scientific reserch on Gravity-Free Zones is in the book!!!! I had lots of help wif the reserch and the kitties who helped gotted there names in there too.

So click here and order yores!
We Are The Kitties ...and We Writed You This Book