May 29, 2008

Jasmine's Furrends

These are the nisest cats I have met heer at my new howse.

--Princess Jasmine

May 22, 2008

In Memory of Miss Bonnie Underfoot, Attack Tabby Extraordinaire

Today my heart is herting. Owr furry deer furrend, Miss Bonnie Underfoot, was suddenly called to Rainbow Bridge. Altho Bonnie wasn't my girlyfrend, she was a furry speshal furrend and she will allways be close in my heart.

I will never forget you, my furrend.

May 10, 2008

Jasmine's Doodle Monster

Hi efurrycat, Finny heer. We are just getting cawt up on fings and we want to do some doodles. Jasmine reely wanted to tell efurrycat abowt the skary monster that she is askared of, so here you go! Take it away, Jasmine.

Fank you, Finny. This is wat I see wen the big skary monster trys to get me sometimes. It must be furry big, becos nothing little like a cat cood make such terrybul noises. Wen it trys to get me, I go hide under mama's bed or the cowch cos those are small plases and I am a small cat.

At ferst, the monster kind of sownds like a bunch of cats playing Thundering Herd of Ellyfants coming from far away. But then it gets lowder and lowder like lots of grate big cats! Or worse, woofies!! Wif grate big paws!