See?!? I told you he was up to somefing and you all agreed wif me!
Look wat the Introoder is doing now!

Mom dopted all these baby Squillions and efen some rare woofie Squillions so we cood aukshun them or haf a raffle to raise green papers to help the cat blogosphere. And the INTROODER is teeching them bad fings like playing wif owr ribbon toys and getting into mom's croshaying yarns!

Look wat the Introoder is doing now!

Mom dopted all these baby Squillions and efen some rare woofie Squillions so we cood aukshun them or haf a raffle to raise green papers to help the cat blogosphere. And the INTROODER is teeching them bad fings like playing wif owr ribbon toys and getting into mom's croshaying yarns!

He efen tryd to involve Jasmine in his evil plots!!!

Wat are we gonna do????