Wooooo hooooooooooooooooo!!!! We are all furry, furry happy becos Jackie Bean the Horsie Girl is comin' home tomorrow!
Jackie Bean had a naksident wif a horsie named Chip five weeks ago. Chip stumbled and fell over and then bonked Jackie in her hed wif his grate big hoof! Well, it was her helmet, but it herted her furry bad. She wented to sleep and din't wake up for 8 hole days. That's some serryus napping.

In the meantime, alla us poodins and Magic woofie and the horses Max and Jack did owr bestest to keep mom and Ant Marjie bean (Jackie's mamabean) and all the ofur beans calmed down wile they worryd abowt Jackie.
Jackie has been in three diffrent bean hospitals - Dook, Wake Med and Durham Regional. All the vetty beans and nurses and furapists took reely good care of her and she got better reely fast. She was a furry good payshent! So now she gets to come home to Happy Fields!! She will still haf to go to lots of furapy stuffs, but mostly alla us at the farm get to take care of her, speshly her good mom bean and her big sister Lisa the Surfer Girl, who came to visit today.

We can't wate to see owr Horsie Girl home ware she belongs!!!
Fank you all furry much for your purrs, wags, good thots & efurrything else you sent to help owr Jackie get better.

Love from all the Carolina Cats & Woofie & Horses