September 25, 2009
September 17, 2009
Not agane....!
Oh no

Oh no. Mom opened her emale this morning and went all squeeeee and yippee yippee yay. We came running 'cos we thot we won a truklode of stinky goodness or nip or treets or somefing good like that.

But no, she was all eksited becos the Irish Batchlers are coming bak to owr town to play there myoosiks. This batchler plays the orful fing that sownds like 100 poodins getting there tales pulled.
And then these Batchlers pound on boxes and fings to make MORE noises to scare poodins!
And lookit all the beans that watch them do it and don't make them stop!
One time, Mom Robyn from the Hot(M)BC came to vizzit us in Durm, and owr mom maked her go see them too. Pore Mom Robyn. Ant Ree bean likes them Batchlers too, she's the one who maked owr mom like them.
I wonder if Mom Robyn will come vizzit us efur agane. We'd like to show her the farm and those horseys. And we reely fink she should bring the Hotties wif her!!
Wate!!! Let's haf a partee at the FARM!!! Ooooo, it could be a fall harvest festival wif punkin carving and hay rides and all kinds of fun stuff!!
Who wants to come?
September 9, 2009
9-9-09.... A Day Without Cats...? Pointless!!!
Some foolish beans wanted today to be a day wifowt cats! Have you efur herd anyfing so stoopid? Mom sez "efurry life should have nine cats" - let's help her figure out how many she has had in her life so far.....
Offy... was the first cat mom efur knew. We know he was a reely good purrer becos his name was short for Offenhauser - a racecar engine!!
Two Bits -- wow! Lookit that raccoon tale!!
Jasper - mom's firstest furry own cat wen she moved away to Mishigan.
Unkle Kimo and Ant Peaches who lived wif Gramma and Grampa but are at the Bridge now.

Sandy - a furry hansome light orangie guy

Kitty Sox was a brave tuxie girl whose bestest furrend was the woofie Pax!

Jennie-bird. They called her that 'cos she made little birdy noises.
Mom says she was a sweet, gentle, lady cat.

Then came me - Finnegan!

Sweet little sisfur, Daisy. She was furry sik from FIP and went to the Bridge too soon.

Buddy! Mom's big orange clown boy!
Sully - the little orinch punk! We fostered him for a wile. Buddy din't like him, Finny was ok wif him. He went to live wif a furrend of Ant Ree bean's and mom still sees him sometimes.

Princess Jasmine Blossom! Joined our fambly in Novembrr 2007

Ruffian the Barn Kitty who lives here at Happy Fields wif us.

Unkle Iz and Ant Lilli who live wif Gramma and Grampa now.
I'm not sure how menny cats that is, since some of these din't reely own mom, but she loves them ennyways. Mom loves all the cats she meets and says she will always have lots and lots of cats all arownd her to make sure she has a happy life.
September 5, 2009

Cuzzin Cavalli sharing his speshal window seat wif Jazzy.
Ant Marjie says they are lovers sharing a loveseat!
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