If any cats were fighting she would woof at them and make them stop. Efurry nite when we got owr stinky goodness, Moji got to play wif the can and lick the gravy out. She reely liked that.
She was a good sport when Finny stoled her bed one time, she din't woof at him or anyfing, she just took her nap in a cat bed.
Efurry nite when mom came home from werk, Moji would danse all around and woof reelly happy. Then mom would give her a treat and give us owr treets too.
Moji efen chased vishus deers away from our howse so they woodn't get any of her cats.
Moji was dopted from the North Shore Animal League (neer where Jeter Harris lives) about 13 yeers ago. She reely loved living on the farm and having lots of grassy plases to run and play.
The house is furry empty now wifowt Moji. We will all miss her.
Lots of love & purrs,
Finnegan, Buddy, Jazzy & Cuzzin Cavalli