But then, the nise lady who runs the shelter took them to the speshal plase ware some cats were getting better after there hooha-ectomies and ladygarden-ectomies and that's ware mom met Finnegan. She was petting him and talking to him thru his cage and Miss Pam, who is a furry smart bean when it comes to cats, tolld mom she cood open the cage....
So mom opened the cage and Finny walked rite up to her, climbed up on her sholder, put his hed down and started purring. Mom knew that ment he had pikked her owt and she had to take him home, so she tolld Grandma and Miss Pam "This is my cat." So Finny camed home wif mom to live a happy life wif her for a reely long time.

Splatting wif Grandma

In the workshop wif Grampa
Resting up before owr Annyool Gotcha/St. Patty's Day Party!!!!
Come on ofur, efurry one!