Just a'cause Jazzy's tail was touching the woofie's head doesn't mean she likes the woofie now.

And just a'cause Finny sleeps in one woofie bed...

...and Jazzy sleeps in the ofur one...

THAT doesn't mean we likes the woofie either.
Buddy, Finnegan & Princess Jazzy
I love that big pillow i front of the windwo... I would like it woofie or not, too.
pawhugs, Max
Ewww. The only part of me that gets close to the dog here is my paw whapping her face! I DO like her stuff, but that's because it should belong to ME!
Well, there was no place for Jazzy to put her tail...and those beds look very comfy! It has nothing to do with the woofie!!
Of course it doesn't. I would nap on the big pillow in front of the window, no matter how much it smelled of woofy.
We think you two are just in love with the woofie. Finny looks like he loves to sleep in his bed. Must be a comfy one. We love that big pillow and the cute kitty enjoying a little sunshine on it. Thanks for the wonderful share. Have a great day.
World of Animals
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