March 5, 2006

Beige is Beautiful!!!

Our new friend Scooby, who is Jamesie/Snoodleroo's little brother, is concerned about his beigy colors getting darker and also that he has a raccoon tail. Since I have bofe of these things too, I thot I would do a post about the beyootifulness of racoon tails and changing beige spots!

This is me not long after I adopted my mom bean. See how light my beige spots were? I was just about 1 1/2 years old. And of course the most hansomest raccoooooon tail!!

And this is me now, 6 years later!! Scooby, do you see how dark my beige is? Isn't that cool? But my tabby spots on my head haven't changed and my raccoon tail hasn't either. We are the bestest kind of cats becos we can hide in lots of different places just by turning around!
Oh, and heer's a really real raccoon! We never seen one at our house, but we do have a BUNNY that comes by in the early morning or late at night when it is very dark out. Mom tryd to get a picture of him this morning but her camera couldn't make enough light. Today we named him Bernard. This kind of looks like him.


Anonymous said...

I LOVE that tail!

Fat Eric said...

Your raccoon tail is gorgeous, Finny! We don't have raccoons in the UK(except in zoos maybe) so I've never seen one. You certainly are a handsomely-marked and unusual kitty!

Victor Tabbycat said...

Finny, you're absolutely right about our beautiful tails, tabby spots, and beige. My spots are getting a little more brown, but I'm only 1 and I've only had my people 4 months. Mom says we gots bunnies in the garden efurry year and once, there was a young raccoon in the backyard! She says they're usually active at nite, but it was noon! We also had a flying squirrel in our birdhouse and a woodchuck unner the shed. She calls them urban wildlife.

=^..^= said...

Oh, you really do have a beyootiful tail. And to have spots that change colours is the coolest thing!

~5-Cat Style

Myst and Blackie said...

Your tail is gorgeous - it looks like mine!!!


Magoo, Smudge, Bella & Dolce said...

Come join Dolce and Bella. We'll show those Gingers and Tuxies who really knows how to have fun.

Big Piney Woods Cats said...

We have three racoons that keep comin and stealing Mistries food! It makes Mom mad; she has to take the food in at night.

Shaggy and Scout said...

Scout has a raccoon tail. he poofs it up when he gets startled.

Ivan from WMD said...

You have a great tail! And neat spots, too!

Boni said...

Your tail is very nice! We have racoons that live outside too. They're cute.

Anonymous said...

Nice to have rabbits hopping around. We had 3 in the back yard at our old house, and my human named them Warren, Hutch, and Stew. I don't want to name them, I want to catch them!