March 9, 2006

Mom's Favrit Flowers

Daffydills growing
outside our front door.

She put them up here JUST so I could sniff them.

Then she put them where me and Finny could both sniff them!Then mom had fun playing with the special effects on the pikchers.

Happy Spring!!!!


Victor Tabbycat said...

We have daffodils in our garden... or we *will*, if Spring ever gets here. Mom doesn't bring them in much because she thinks I spill vases. I'm telling you, they bounce around by themselves. Hmmm. Maybe this Spring, I can blame Victor.

Big Piney Woods Cats said...

Now, this am not fair!!! We got 6 inches of snow last night.....what is up with that? Oh, I forgetted, we live in a State of Winter. We am patiently waiting, and waiting, and waiting, and waiting.

meemsnyc said...

purdy flowers. We like to eat flowers.
~Yaffa and Sebastian

Sanjee said...

Purrty flowers. Are they tasty?

The Meezers or Billy said...

Those flowers look really yummy!

Ivan from WMD said...

Mmmm! Tasty!

Victor Tabbycat said...

My woman has mentioned in the past that rabbits don't eat daffodils, so by planting daffodils with her 2 lips, they should leave her 2 lips alone. Um... Ok, first, since when is she planting anything but kisses with her lips? Maybe she kisses bunnies, and wants them to stop? Beans!

Shaggy and Scout said...

Ours should start coming up soon. Just a small batch on the sunny side of the house in the planter I use for a outside litter box. -Shaggy

Fat Eric said...

Huh. My mum is getting fed up with waiting for our London daffodils to bloom. They have been in bud for weeks. In the next-garden-but-one they have bloomed, so why are ours so slow??

Just Ducky said...

Sigh, mum says it is probably a month before we starts to see our own flowers like that. It was very nice out today, mum was even outside without her jacket for a little bit.

Petey said...

We gots them flowers too. Our mom's favorites are Grape Hyacinth, I like the smell of them too.

Anonymous said...

Don't munch on those flowers though! They can be bad for some kitties.