July 11, 2006

Little Orinch Punk is on the Loose!

Oh you won't beleef it, fellow poodins! On Satterday morning mom let the Little Orinch Punk owt of the guest room and now he goes all over the hole house!! Mostly he wanted to look out the big window. I don't kno wy, it's the same plase to look at as from his guest room. He settled down under the cat benches (too stoopid to kno wat they're for I guess) and was watching me and Finny. Finny sniffed him and I of course, hissed and growled at him.


Fat Eric said...

You look like you are not getting along too badly Buddy, despite the hissing. No actual bloodshed!

Just Ducky said...

Maybe he feels safer UNDER the benches for now.

Victor Tabbycat said...

That's what I was gonna say! Derby readed my mind. Unner the bench looks safe.

Victor Tabbycat said...

What do you fink, Finny? Does he smell ok? I'm still afraid to smell Victor too close cuz he's so unpredictable. He might touch me.

Anonymous said...

Giggy is coming on a regular basis for tomorrow. It's all the Troll's fault. She accepted 2 jobs at the same time and complains that she doesn't have the energy after 60 hours in the office.

Also, Giggy has a new camera, LOTS of new jewelry made exclusively for him by his Unfortunate!Mistress and everyone is working on making him a new wardrobe.

So check back!

Hot(M)BC said...

Maybe you gotta show him what the cat bench is really for, Buddy? After all, you're the top Orinch Cat of the house.

~~ Boni


Buddy you're being very gingerous to the new Orinch Cat in da house.


Zeus said...

I think perhaps he just had been cooped up so long that he got what the humans call "cabin fever". Therefore, he was partially insane and should not be held accountable for his actions.

Shaggy and Scout said...

Let him look but not touch.