August 19, 2006

Beans shood stay HOME on Saturday!!

Mom wented off and left us home alone on Satterday morning. She is not aposed to do that! She is aposed to stay home wif us and do fun stuff like gardening....

and stoopid stuff like londry and vacyooming.

And all the windows shood be open to blow nise fresh air in and let us sniff owtside smells

and sneek owt to chase berdies and Bernard the Wild Bunny.

You Better Come Home Soon Mom!!

We have friends, you know.

Don't make us call them.


Hot(M)BC said...

I agrees Finny and Buddy. Yall are too nice gentlecats to be lefted alone by the beans on a satturday mornin! Our beans are home and so are we, if you wanna come visit!
:) Sanjee

The Meezers or Billy said...

our mommy is home too finny and buddy!we maded her stay home wif our "kitty ma-gik" - we lay on her chest and purr, and she falls asleep

Victor Tabbycat said...

My Mom an Dad bean are home. The boy's still gone. Do you wanna come ofur? You has furry good points there bout proper puddin care. Great pictor of Buddy in the lawndry baskit; I almost didn't see you!

Finny, Mom says I haf to finish my FSA (Feline Service Announcement) before Sept 1 cuz that's when I'll be 18 (monfs). I's got a wind of it... oh, "draft" not wind. Shuld I haf you see it furst?

Just Ducky said...

Finny and Buddy.

Feel free to teleport over. Mum is home all weekend. The windows are open. Lots of bunnies and such in the back yard.


Tommy and Teaghan said...

It's almost like a parallel werld! Me and Beau Beau looks out the door jus like you are and we sees the same fing! There am two bunnies outside too!

Big Piney Woods Cats said... now Momma says, "see how well they get along, why can't you two be like that?" Then she says it is all MY fault. Not in this lifetime, Momma!!


Meowers from Missouri said...

hi, finny & buddy! darn those beans, anyhoo. what's wrong with them? my beans would rather be here at home than anywere else in the world, but they says they gotta make a buck. but that's only on five days--satterday is "caturday"--time to be with your furfriends!! hope they come back before you hafta call your "friends" . . .

nelson lapurr

(don't forget to visit us now and then.)

The Crew said...

You guys are lookin' very good there...very good, indeed. Try not to be upset about your Mom being out. Put your time to good use and get the house arranged the way you want it!

=^..^= said...

Our beans shud nefer efer leave us alone at home. It's juz too cruel!


Shaggy and Scout said...

If you don't take care of those wild bunnies they will take over the yard then your beans will be sorry!

Kukka-Maria said...

I would rather my agent leave for the day than run that loud vacuum!

I hate to admit it, but it scares me a bit...IF YOU TELL ANYONE I ADMITTED THAT, I WILL TOTALLY DENY IT!

Victor Tabbycat said...

Attenshun, Finnegan J. Katz! Your services may be needed ofur at Manx Mnews. There has been a burr-larry an sumcat is gonna need a good lawyer. Naturally, I thot of you.

The Fluffy Tribe said...

You tell her Buddy and Finnegan and don't stand for abandonment in any kind. We love your relatifs names too. Those are cool. ~Merlin, Shadow, Ko Ko

Anonymous said...

You need them kneecapped? Just say the word buddy!