Owr Grandma has allways been arownd poodins - she grew up wif them from wen she was a little bean. That's ware mom and efurrybody elts in owr fambly got the love of cats. (Grampa reely loves cats too!)
Efurry yeer, Grandma makes a kwilt to gif to the shelter that I (Finny) dopted my mom from and Grandma and Grampa dopted Peaches (above), Kimo, Lili and Iz from so they can raffle it off and make money to help the poodins. Heer's Miss Peaches helping her.
Grampa and Grandma resskewed Cuzzin Grady wen some terribul beans dumped him in the woods and he was crying 'cos he was just a baby and din't have any beans. And Grandma helped Cuzzin Gilmore dopt Ant Ree bean wen his own mom bean had to go iin the bean vetty hospital.
Grandma maked this byootiful kwilt for mom! You can see Jasper Who Came Befor and little Daisy on the left and me (Finny) on the rite.
Happy Birfday Grandma!! We love you!!!!