February 14, 2006


Finny sez no hints, but he's a goody four-paws and I'm a wild boy and I don't have to listen to efurrything he sez, so I'm gonna give some hints!! Don't tell on me, ok? Ready...wait, where is he? Ok, he's napping... here goes!

Hint #1 - all white paws do not necessarily belong to white cats

Hint #2 - Pawtrait #20 is not really an actual pawtrait as some cats have noticed. But if you visit the blogs of those cats who live in cold places, you might figure it out.

Hint #3 - There is a pawtrait of somecat whose name tells you something about their paws.

Hint #4 - If you look closely at Pawtr...uh-oh!! Ummmm, hi Finny, what's up? What am I doing? Me? Oh I'm just looking at the pawtraits. No I'm not giving hints! I wouldn't do that, would I? Let's play!!!


Max said...


The Crew said...

It's very, very hard to identify all these paws. We think whoever wins this contest really deserves to win!!

jenianddean said...

I posted a few hint links on my blog because it is definitely a challenge. Good luck everyone!



Big Piney Woods Cats said...

This am the hardest contest ever! I am having so much troubles......you guys!!!!! Think I will go nap!!

WCTs said...


Come to our blog and read hints about our 2 Pawtraits.
We would much appreciate any hints you feel OK providing too, only if you want.
I found the hints in the laundry room....you will see!

Tannie Man,
The Whippy Curly Tails in the Toasty South

Big Piney Woods Cats said...

We will be putting up hints for all three of us on our site tomorrow morning!!

WCTs said...

Oh how cute...he does do the same thing with his head....tucked under just like a little duck.

So sweet!

Lyn & The Whippy Curly Tails in the Toasty South