It was 4 yeers ago that Buddy's first mom bean putted him in his cat carrier, wrote "Buddy to NC" on it and started his long advensher of driving from Philllydelfia to join me and mom in owr fambly in Norf Carolina. All that long, long day, Buddy had menny diffrunt drivers. They were all volunteers wif the
IMOM Xpress - furry speshul beans who love cats and droolers and help them find new homes.

First pik mom efur took of Buddy. He was staying in the bafroom by himself 'til he got used to mom and me. He was furry nervus and scared and he hissd at mom a lot!

After he came owt to eksplore, we weren't sure if we liked eech other or not and I kept an eye on him wile he lookd all arownd owr howse.
Efenchully we became frends and brofurs and now we like to wrassle and play togevver.
Buddy is furry good at yoga and he can do some poses that no other cat can do!
Wen Sanjee and Boni brot the Catolympics Torch to us on the Torch run, Buddy guarded it until I was reddy to leave to take it on the next part of the run.
Wen mom broked her foot, Buddy was a furry good nerse and watched ofur her lots and helped her wif her therapees by running owtside wen she came in on her crutches so she wood lern to use them good.
Buddy loves to watch the birdies owt the window and this time he got so eksited he forgot there was a screen and he jumped up to try to catch one!

So now Buddy is 7 yeers old! But he doesn't akt like an allmost old cat, he plays lots and lots and efen tho I am one yeer older than him, I play lots too.
Happy Birfday Buddy!!!