Our new friend
Derby was shocked and hurt to find out he wasn't his mom bean's first-ever cat, but they talked and efurrything is ok now.
We have allways known that our mom grew up with lots of cats and we're ok with that becos there are so many cats who live in bad shelters or out on the streets and don't have nice warm houses with stinky goodness and computers and blogs and friends around the world. So we think all good beans should have a couple of cats and like mom says,
"Every Life Should Have Nine Cats!" So here are pix of most of the cats mom has known in her life.

This is Orfy, the first cat mom ever knew! He was there in the house when she camed home from the bean vetty hospital. Of course, he was a growed-up cat then, but we couldn't find that picture.

Then there is Two Bits - I bet you can guess why he was called that! And you can't see it very good in this picture, but he has the cool raccoon-stripy tail like me, Finny! And see his flat ears? He had terrible ear mites when he was a kitten and they hurted his ears bad and his ears wouldn't stand up rite after that. But they worked just fine otherwise.

Around that same time was also Sandy - he was a very tough guy who fought with all the other neighborhood cats and allways would come home with scratches and bites on him. But he was nice to the bean kids. Sandy and Bits both lived to a ripe old age.

Next is "Sorry Charlie" - granma sez there was too many cats alreddy and he would have to leave. But he stayed for a couple of years anyway and one day he wandered away to find a new home and bean family.
There was a nice ladycat who came to live with our family for a while, her name was Kid, but we couldn't find a picture of her. Mom got sad when she told about Kid because one day some bad bean shooted her with a BB gun and she was hurted so bad the beans had to help her go to the Bridge and the vetty bean found out she had baby kittens in her tummy too. But we know she must have been such a nice cat to adopt our family.

When Bits and Sandy were maybe 11 or 12 years old, the family adopted two more cats! Known all their lives as "the kittens", Sox and Jennie were not littermates but adopted from the same place. Kitty Sox was an adventuress and she even liked Pax the drooler that came to live with them when the kittens were a year old. Grampa was Pax's favorite person!

Jennie was very timid and quiet and she was mom's favorite. She was also called Jennie-Bird because she made little chirpy noises like a birdy! She lived to be 19 years old and Sox went to the Bridge a few years before her.
Mom bean was a grown up and had moved away to Michigan and was very sad living all by herself without any cats to train her or take care of her. So one day she went to the
Lenawee County Humane Society thinking she would get a nice grey cat like Jennie bird. Well she looked at all the growed-up cats and they were ALL sleeping, except for one short haired white cat and one long-haired white cat! She walked slowly by all the cages and talking to the cats (even tho they were sleeping) but the short-haired white cat was awake and he talked to her and played with the string on her shirt...and when she moved to look at the next cage, do you know what he did?
He putted his paw out of the cage and tapped her on the shoulder!! Mom bean knew right then that she didn't have any choice and this cat had picked her out. His name was Jasper. He lived with mom for 10 years and 3 months, but he got diabetes and something was also wrong with his liver like cancer or something else bad. Even though mom and the vetty beans tried very hard, they couldn't make him get better and they had to help him go to the Bridge. Mom is going to tell more about him on Friday, because that is the anniversary of the day he went to the Bridge to wait for her.

After Jasper went to the Bridge, mom was very sad and lonely again. Six weeks later I came to live with her! I will tell my story another time, since this is getting long. This is me and my little sis Daisy, she was sick when she came to live with us and went to the Bridge too. We will tell about her another time too.

And three years ago, Buddy came to town!!
Derby, we hope you feel lots better now!!!