February 26, 2006
Another trouble we have is last nite our mom got in an accident in grampa's pickup truck. She is ok but has some aches and pains so me and Finny are taking turns napping with her and purring to help her feel better.
We will be back posting again in a few days.
February 25, 2006
...And the winners are....
Out of the 41 pawtraits, there was one that nocat but Timmy was able to correctly identify - here it is. So the winner of the "Pawtrait that Stumped the Most Guessers" is.... Miss Boni Maroni!!! Great pawtrait Miss Boni! It was number 7. We don't seem to be able to post pix right now, but we'll put it here when we can.
The Viewer's Choice winner is.....unknown! Efurrybody voted for a different pawtrait and some forgot to pick one. So..when the picture uploader is working again, we will post the finalists and ask efurryone to vote by comments or email for the winner, OK?
The list of Pawtraits is below. Thanks efurrycat and beans for playing. We had fun and hope you did too!
Tannie Man 1
Miss S 2
Miles 3
Ghost 4
Sammy 5
Bonnie Underfoot 6
Boni 7
Sanjee 8
Jasper 9
Maggie & Huggy 10
Maggie 11
Josie 12
Charlie Fluffbum 13
Pandora 14
Oscar 15
Nicky 16
Lizzie the Good Cat 17
Brach 18
Kukka-Maria 19
Caturday 20
Ms. Mia 21
Mia (of Mia & Ghost) 22
George 23
Max 24
Tipper 25
Bombay 26
Timothy Dickens 27
Sophia the Diva Kitty 28
Edsel/The Pooch 29
Cosmo 30
Fat Eric 31
Victor Tabbycat 32
Beau 33
Derby 34
Oreo 35
Patches Lady 36
Mittens Pollypaws 37
Mistrie Rose 38
Knightly 39
Firenze 40
Lizzie the Monster 41
February 24, 2006
Do we have *your* entry yet?
Entries received from - Crew's Views, Oreo, The Meezers, Derby, Bonnie & Victor, Beau, Timothy Dickens, Ms. Mia, Oscar, The Calico Girls, Charlie & Pandora (The Britcats).
Don't forget -
one entry per bean/cat/whatever you are
email entries to finnegan_cat@hotmail.com
don't forget to include your Viewer's choice for favorite pawtrait
Here's the link for the list of paws entries - don't forget to check their blogs for hints. Lots of cats put a hint on their blog in the last week or so. Pawtraits
We had lots of fun with the pawtraits and the hints and haikus and efurrything, we hope you did too!!

Mom is anxious for Spring to come too!
February 23, 2006
February 22, 2006
Haiku Hints!
Don't forget, when you send in your list of pawsies, to put your Viewer's Choice (just one) for best pawtrait.

Oh, and Mr Eponine's Cowboy said he would've entered this for his pawtrait and we think it would have been funny if he did so we're posting it.

<-- Ullrick
edsel, tuxedo
two paws with no black in sight
sleeping, with no fight
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Empress Kukka-Marie did these...
Cat Pawtrait Contest
Giving me headaches galore!
Way too many cats...
Brach's Pawtrait clue is:
"One of my sleeves is pushed up."
That makes it easy.
Kukka's Pawtrait clue:
"Pristine white gloves, but
wait--NO!!That's pigment...not poop!"
February 20, 2006
Daisy - June 2000 - Feb. 20, 2002

This is my little sis, Daisy. Me and Mom dopted her on June 2, 2001. She was about a year old and she was from a shelter but she was at a Petsmart waiting to be dopted when Mom went in there.
It didn't take long for me and Daisy to become friends and we played together a lot. I taught her all the impawtent things, like how nice it is to give mom hugs when she comes home from work. After a while, mom would pick us both up and we would give her hugs, me on one side and Daisy on the other - purring and purring - mom called it kitty stereo and she said

Daisy loved to just sit with mom, up on her shoulder, purring and purring and getting petted. Now we know that Daisy didn't play all the time because she didn't feel very good always. Daisy had only been with us for 9 months when she started acting really strange one weekend. She was eating litter out of the litter box and hardly eating any foods. She wasn't walking right either, and you could tell that something was wrong with one of her eyes. Mom took Daisy to the vetty bean where she had lots of tests and got some medicines to help her while they waited for the test results. Two days later Daisy wasn't any better and they had all the test results. Daisy had FIP (Feline Infectious Peritonitis) and she wasn't going to get better ever. Mom didn't want to, but she had to help Daisy go to Rainbow Bridge and now she is our Guardian Angel, just like Jasper and all the other cats from our family who have gone ahead.
Mom says she knows that all cats are here to teach her something and that Daisy was here to teach her to appreciate everyone in your life, because you never know when you might lose them. So please, efurrycat, give your beans some good hugs and purrs in honor of Daisy today. And efurrybean, please make sure that all the furries and beans in your life know that you love and appreciate them too.
February 17, 2006
Deadline extended!

Since the Pawtrait contest is verry challenging, we are extending the deadline for entries with your answers to Saturday, Feb. 25 at 8 a.m. eastern. Scroll down to see rules and hints and stuff. And don't forget to look at the websites of the entered blogger cats, lots of them are putting hints on their blogs to help you figure out their paws. And even if they don't post hints, you can find other pictures of them and their pawsies to help you figure them out. We're sure glad efurrycat is having so much fun with the contest!
Finny & Buddy

February 16, 2006
Good paws / Bad paws / Icy Paws

First of all, I am not a goody four-paws! I get in plenty of trouble with mom for pawing at the kitchen blinds and wrecking them (grampa keeps fixing them) for biting on cardbord boxes and leaving pieces of cardbord efurryware and for begging for mom's foods and for howling my hed off at nite and other stuff too. I espeshly like getting Mousie all drooly and putting him in bed with mom so she finds him in the morning when she wakes up!!!
I only sed no hints becos I want the pawticipants to make their own hints. I think it will be more fun that way. Jasper has alreddy done some hints on his blog and I think Edsel too. And the entry of the Mysterious Paw has graciously posted it on their website, thereby giving efurrycat one freebie! You still have to figure out which blog it is though! That is very sporting of each of you. Keep up the good work and with sharp eyes you'll be able to figure them all out.
We tried to put the Flickr badge on our sidebar, but it screwed up the page so we had to take it off.
February 14, 2006

Hint #1 - all white paws do not necessarily belong to white cats
Hint #2 - Pawtrait #20 is not really an actual pawtrait as some cats have noticed. But if you visit the blogs of those cats who live in cold places, you might figure it out.
Hint #3 - There is a pawtrait of somecat whose name tells you something about their paws.
Hint #4 - If you look closely at Pawtr...uh-oh!!

February 12, 2006
Paws! Paws! Paws! Paws! Paws! Paws!
We're not giving any hints, but you can ask the other blogger cats for hints on their pawtraits.
It's Time for the Paw Portrait Contest!!!!
1. It's all in fun
2. One entry per cat (or bean or bun or whatever species you may be) - if you send more than one entry, the one we use will be the last one received by the deadline
3. All entries must be emailed to finnegan_cat@hotmail.com
4. Note "Paw Portrait entry" in your email subject line
5. Entries must be received by 1 pm eastern time, Monday Feb. 20
6. We won't be giving any hints, but that doesn't mean you can't post a hint about your paws in our comment box or on your own blog
7. Contest is open to all bloggers, not just those who submitted a pawtrait
8. Prizes will be awarded in three categories -- Most Correct Guesses, Pawtrait that Stumped the Most Entries and Viewer's Choice for Best Pawtrait. In the event of a tie in any category, multiple prizes will be awarded
9. Make sure to note your Viewer's Choice in your email entry
10. Additional rules may be added as needed (in case we forgot anything)
11. It's all in FUN!!
February 11, 2006
Beau Bombay Boni Bonnie Underfoot Brach Caturday Charlie Fluffbum Cosmo Derby Edsel/The Pooch Fat Eric Firenze George Ghost Jasper Josie Knightly Kukka-Maria Lizzie (the Good Cat) Lizzie Maggie Maggie & Huggy Max Mia (of Mia & Ghost) Miles
Miss S Mistrie Rose Mittens Pollypaws Ms. Mia Nicky Oreo Oscar Pandora Patches Lady Sammy Sanjee Sophia Tannie Man Timothy Dickens Tipper Victor
February 10, 2006
Tag, we're it!!!
Here are the rules:
1. Go into your archives.
2. Find your 23rd post.
3. Post the fifth sentence (or closest to it).
4. Post the text of the sentence in your blog along with these instructions.
5. Tag five other people to do the same thing.
Bummer, I just checked and we don't have 23 posts yet! So I'm using the post from Jan. 23, how's that?
This is the first day Buddy came out of isolation after me and Mom adopted him.
Hahahahaha!! Ok, we tag....Gigolo Kitty, Knightly/Firenze/Lizzie, Buddah, Jasper McKitten and Musette/Brach. Have fun!!
Finny & Buddy
Last chance for Pawtraits!!

Wow!!! Wowzers!!! We have so-o-o-o many Paw Portraits for the Contest!
It's gonna be tough picking which paws belong to which cat! We'll prolly post the list of all the pawticipants tonight or tomorrow morning, then efurrycat can start paying attention to all the blogs and noticing what all the paws look like.
Then as soon as we get all the pawtraits numbered and sized right, we'll start posting them. We'll make the deadline for answers be Monday Feb. 20, by mom's lunchtime (1 pm eastern) but don't wate 'til the end to send yours in! (Sorry for the oops! Thanks Victor!)
Mom: Happy Friday to all the beans!! I know the kitties don't care what day of the week it is, but for us beans it means 2 whole days with our kitties!!!! Wooooohooooooooooo!!
February 6, 2006
Wow!! Lots of Pawtraits!
All portraits should be in by this Friday, Febyooerry 10. Then we will clean them up and post them on Monday and start the contest!! Me and Finny are digging throo mom's crafty boxes to make some good prizes. They'll be cool, don't worry. We won't let mom mess them up!
Paws up!!!

this is me and mom's broked paw last year!! I have one that shows the stuff they put in there too, but I didn't want to freak anycat out!
February 3, 2006
*** Paw Portrait Contest Tips ***
* When you email your Paw Portrait to finnegan_cat@Hotmail.com please put "Paw Portrait" in the subject line (if you already sent one, please tell us in a comment what your email addy is)
* If you have something in the picture that would identify your house or a toy or something, blur it out or ask us to and we will

* Give us the link to your blog so we can make sure you're on our list
* All the cats who send paw portraits will be listed when the contest starts
That's all we can think of right now, so send your Paw Portraits and tell your friends to send theirs too!
That's our cousin Grady's paws!!
February 2, 2006
Paw Portrait Contest!!

This picture of our friend Kitty, but just his paws, inspired mom

So then I had this idea...get your bean to take a picture of you, but just your paws. It could be just one or all of your paws, you could put something in the picture that is a hint of whose paws they are or make it hard. You could even use a picture you already have, just crop it so only your paws show.
Then email it to me at finnegan_cat@hotmail.com, we'll post all of them with no names, just numbers, and see who can figure out which paws belong to which cat! The kitty who gets the most right AND the kitty who stumps efurrycat else, will win a prize.
Let me know if you think this sounds like fun and we'll make a deadline for the pictures of paws of...Friday, Feb. 10. Then we'll get them uploaded and efurrything by Monday and start the contest.
-- Finny

February 1, 2006

I love love love to watch the birdies out the back window! Mom puts seeds out there for them and then the birdies grow out of the seeds. At least I think that's ware birdies come from, right? But then the birdies eat the seeds, so does that make them cannibals? Or birdibals? Maybe they don't want any more birdies growing from the seeds. Or maybe they are taking the seeds to there nests so they can grow more birdies there. What do you think?
Me and Finny watch the birdies every day...

When mom goes out to put more seeds out, we watch her carefully and tell her we want to come out too!
Sometimes if the inside door is open, I get very excited and try to get to the birdies....