We were reeding the new blog that Skeezix tolld abowt, starring, Minx, Muffin and Ebbie . There mom bean was looking for a nise hotel in there town but she coodn't find one! So she rote a furry good post abowt her advenchers in chekking owt diffrunt hotels and wich one she finely deesided wood be good enuff for Minx, Muffin and Ebbie.
Efurry bean shood read this post and make sure that if you absolootly haf to leave yore poodins wif strangers at a hotel or cattery, they follo these tips and find a furry good one.
We wood also like to menshun that if you or one of yore fur siblings needs speshul attenshun like medisin or speshul foods, yore mom or dad shood make sure that the staff at the hotel or at yore vetty bean's office knows eksakly wat they are doing! Chek owt this site abowt a furry speshul diabetic poodin (sugarcat) named Toonces who was given 10 times too much insulin by a bean who was not a vetty or even a vetty tech. As a result of this horribul overdose, Toonces was severely brane-damaged and his life was shortened drastickly. Don't let somefing like this happen to you or somecat you love!!
Heer is the furry nise hotel that owr brofur who came befor, Jasper, used to stay at and I (Finny) stayed at a few times too. Pet's Companion Inn is in Bahama, NC and the beans there are furry nise. They have nise big plases for droolers downstares and nise big plases for poodins upstares. Jasper used to like to sit in the window and watch the droolers wen they were playing owtside!

Be sure to talk to yore beans and make sure they kno that of corse, they shood nefur leave you or go anyware wifowt you, but if they do, to make sure they do lots of reserch and find the bestest plase they can to take care of you.
This has been a Feline Serviss Annownsement. Owr regyoolarly skedjuled silliness will resoom tomorro wif pikchers of the First Stroller Ride.