Our big brother Jasper (GA)

Our little sis Daisy (GA)


Our little sis Daisy (GA)
Miss Bonnie...did you get the green off your paw that you dipped in the puddle?
Heer's Beau waiting to talk to Miss Ghost....too bad it didn't work out. Or maybe it was after? He looks a little odd..
Oh, and did one of the tuxies leave these behind?
And heer's somefing else mom found! She sez it's too little for her big people fingers. Whose is it?
Lookit this fun toy they have. Mom says the blue stick goes round and round all by itself and there is fethers on the end! She's gonna get us one, Ant Ree got it at Walmart. Then they took the toy and put it inside the play cubes and Grady really had fun for a long time!!!
Ant Ree is verry good to her kitties, they
have this super nice sunroom to play in all the time! Mom showed me and Buddy this pikcher and said "Look at the nice brothers sitting together and not biting or kicking or growling at each other."
FINALLY!! We can do the last part of the Paw Portrait Contest - the Viewer's Choice Award! Look at the pawtraits above (number is above the pawtrait) and email Finny with your favorite. The winner will receive a prize made by Finny and Buddy. Thanks efurrycat and efurrybean for playing. It was soooo much fun, wasn't it? All the pawtraits were really great.
Let's see....deadline for Viewer's Choice will be Saturday, March 11 lunchtime. We aren't really picky about clocks (except at suppers time) so if we get your email before we final up the scores, you'll probably be ok - but you never know!!
-- Finnegan
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Edited...Thank you, Miss Patches, we fixed the link for the email. And also we realized it's finalists, not semi-finalists!