Look at these strange pix we found on mom's camera. This is our cousins - Grady and Gilmore. But do you think they look funny? That's becos they is just FLAT! Mom maked them for Aunt Ree bean - she is their mom bean and she is sick in the bean vetty hospital. She misses Grady and Gilmore verry much so that's why mom maked these to keep her compny.

Then mom was driving home from visting Aunt Ree and she saw these "hosses" in a feeld so she tooked there pikcher. We think they look like furry strange droolers.

I maked mom brush me for a furry long time to get my extra winter furrs off. So wy did she take this pikcher and not a pikcher of me looking all slim and trim wifowt my winter coat on?
Mom cookd these peeses of piggy wif barby Q soss and peeches on the grill tonite. Do you see how menny peeses there are? Two for me, two for Buddy and two for mom, rite? Wrong! Mom sez they is only for her for supper and "lunch at work" and "cats don't eet lunch" AND "cats don't like barby Q soss" !!!! How does she kno we don't like it? I am a Norf Carolina native cat - of corse I like barby Q soss on piggys!!! Hrrrmphh.

In other impawtent news, the
Catolympics Torch is making its way to Norf Carolina!
Sanjee and
Boni will be getting here on Sunday and then I will run it to Boo in Florida!